We work with all surfaces and brands. We template and install if required.
Solid Surface
Non porous, stain resistant, seamless, repairable and renewable this material offers almost limitless options as being thermoformable. Corian, Hi Macs, Avonite, Wilson Art, Hanex, Formica, Meganite...we work with all brands. Residential and commercial applications
Hard Surface
Wide variety of options as far as as material (granite, marble, quartz, quartzite..) but also brands (Corian Quartz, Caesarstone, Viatera, Hanstone, Silestone,...)
Commercial applications only
Plastic Laminate
This is the product which got us started in 1989. Cost effective solution, so many color options. This is no longer your grand mother's kitchen...Formica, Wilson Art... Commercial applications only
Our job does not stop after install. We can help you maintaining your investment during its life cycle